miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014

Soccer /worl cup/ movie

Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 18:07:10 -0500
Subject: the week
From: shane.parkinson@myldsmail.net

well this week was a good week but i have been really tired. you dont realize how important pday is until you dont have it and the whole week you are ike dying becasue of how tired you are!! and even worse because on pday we didnt rest we had a super pday taht is a pday with a ton of missionaries and we go and we play all day i played basketball for a while and some soccer we were doing that until like 3 and then the president showed us a movie i cant rember the name but it was about the pioneers that got stuck in the snow a group of people went to rescue them it was like elias rescue or something like that but it was really good and he talked about the importance of less active  people it was really good we also have a multi zone conference tommorow so this whole week is full of conferences for us it is cool!! 

But last monday was the coolest. we got the opportunity to see elder clayton who is in the quorom presidency of the seventy. it was really fun. along with him elder uceda the area president went and also and area seventy it was really cool!! all of the missionaries in the city bogota went. like 100 from bogota north mission and bogota south mission! also the mitc missionaries weree there and so that ment that we had the two mission presidents from norht and south and the mtc president. and also the temple president went as well so there was a whole lot of athority there we could say!! it was really fun we learned a ton it was a little short only like 3 hours!! but i really learned a lot!! it is so awsoe the power that the apostles have when the speak it really penetrates deep!!!! but yeah it was awsome1!!

Today during the movie that we watched (i remember the name it is ephiram´s rescue) (i also recomend that you buy it and watch it) there was something taht he says. he said ¨The Gospel of Jesus Christ is another name for ¨opportunity¨¨ I really kinda though about that because it is really really true. the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our knowledge to have opportunty not opportunities of tons of money or stuff like that but really it is the opportunty to because like Christ and serve and do the things that Christ would do!! that really kinda hit me deep when it said that becauset the gospel is what will change people more than anything in this world. i would like to invite you all to think abvout that saying and how you can learn from it. that means you willneed to pray and study to receive personal revelation becuase it really is something that each and everyone of us can apply to our lifes personally. but i would recomend that all watch it if you have not seen it. 

But this is all i have for this week I hope that everyone is doing well i doubt i will write a lot on monday but we will see i love you all!!

Elder Parkinson